Sparkly Mist Sprays

Last Updated 10/14/09

By: Kaylyn

OK, here is the how too for the GASS that can be used to make your own glimmer sprays or seal chalks and perfect pearls. I love and use this all the time!

Gum Arabic Sealing Solution (GASS)

GASS seals things like Whisper White and Very Vanilla craft pads, metallic pads, Versamark with PE, and Poppin' Pastels to keep them from smudging.

Lots of people use hairspray as a sealant and/or PE base; however, while it has polymers that will give you the bond that you're looking for, it also has chemicals that are not acid-free. Because it is *not* acid-free, deterioration will begin in a fairly short period of time, yellowing your creation.

1 Part *LIQUID* Gum Arabic
4 Parts Water
2 Parts Alcohol

Shake *well* before each use.

To make "Pearl Ex Shimmer Spray", add Part Pearl Ex in your choice of color to the GASS in fine-mist spray bottle. I generally add 1/4 part PE (that is: 1/4 of whatever measuring standard I've used to make the GASS...if I've been using tsp, then I add 1/4 tsp; if I've been using Tbsp, then I add 1/4 Tbsp.) You can add more or less, depending upon your specific needs.

Q. Can I use powdered Gum Arabic?
A. Yes - but be sure to mix it directly with the alcohol *first* before adding the water. I personally have not found the powder to be as effective as the liquid, but know that I could have used an inferior brand or "old" powder. In my experience, I have found the powder does not blend or mix nearly as well as the liquid.

Q. What kind of alcohol should I use?
A. I prefer either white brandy or vodka. Some people prefer rubbing alcohol. It doesn't really matter: what you're after is non-colored alcohol which will facilitate quick drying of the sealant.

Q. I've got it mixed, but it still appears to be "separated" like an oil-and-vinegar dressing. What did I do wrong?
A. Absolutely nothing! The Gum Arabic is heavier than the water/alcohol mixture. It has temporarily settled on the bottom. Just give your solution a hearty shaking to remix it. Over time, the Gum Arabic will cease to separate so dramatically; however, you'll still need to shake it well before every use.

Q. Now that it's mixed, how do I use it?
A. Mist the GASS into the air once or twice, and wave the image through the mist a few times. The GASS should dry almost immediately. If you're not convinced it did the trick, repeat the process. It will *definitely* be set the second time. Try to avoid spraying GASS *directly* onto your image - it will just look like a "splat" and likely won't cover the entirety of your intended area.

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